Tag Archives: WebDesktop

WebCallOut Integration with FlyPostBack in SP2

WebUI Studio.NET 2008 Service Pack 2 has delivered many nice enhancements and features. One of the enhancements available in this later service pack is the integration between WebCallOut and FlyPostBack (AJAX) functionality. I have received feedback from our customers mentioning that WebCallOut is merely a [...]

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The beauty of naturally-integrated UI.

In this second post around WebScheduler topic, I would like to share a scenario that we will support in the next upcoming bits. If you have tried our RC bits, you should be aware that the Calendar in the WebScheduler is tightly integrated, in the [...]

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“WebAqua” revealed and dozens of...

Yesterday we have officially announce the name of our next-generation WebUI targeting Silverlight platform. Please visit http://www.intersoftpt.com/Corporate/Default.aspx?page=PressRelease&PressID=decfae36-56f8-46c7-ac04-7ce5de73e4be for the official press release. I suggest you read the press release as it announces another new component under the “WebAqua” brand. This new component — as you might have [...]

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2007 R2 Tutorial Videos

Finally… the new videos for the latest Intersoft’s components have been added in Intersoft’s support site. The latest videos introduce the following components: – WebGrid.NET 6.0 with its new ability to present data visualization concept by introducing pivot charting and classic paging mechanism. – WebDragDropExtender.NET [...]

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Coming Soon: WebUI Studio.NET 2007 R2 SP1

G’ day all, As planned, we are going to release the first service pack of WebUI Studio.NET 2007 R2 very soon (probably by next week). This first service pack which comes 2 months after the initial release, contains dozens of nice new features in addition of [...]

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Live Chat: Behind The Scene

Intersoft Solutions Live Chat is built on top of our own product, WebUI Studio.NET 2007 R2. Most of the request and response actions are managed by WebNotification and WebFlyPostBackManager. When you send a live chat request, the request will be sent to the server using [...]

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2007 R2 goes RTM

Over the past few months, I’ve blogged about the new functionalities and products that you can expect in the upcoming WebUI Studio.NET 2007 R2. You may have noticed that we did not post any new items in the past month. That is because we are extremely [...]

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WebUI Studio.NET 2007 R2 Beta

It has been a while since my last post as we are overwhelming busy preparing the new stuff that we promised to deliver to you in the upcoming month. At the time of this writing, you should be able to get some bits of our [...]

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2007 Tutorial Videos – Updated

Again, we have added some tutorial videos for WebDesktop.NET members such as WebButton, WebNotification, WebTab and many more. Have a look at WebCombo’s tutorial video as well since we have updated and added 1 new video which is how to configure Linked WebCombo. Many users [...]

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