Tag Archives: asp.net

WebUI Studio 2012 is here!

The wait is over. We’re incredibly excited to announce the immediate availability of WebUI Studio 2012 today! The new release ships major upgrades for the flagship ASP.NET data controls such as WebGrid and WebCombo – featuring full HTML5 support, and includes dozens of must-have data [...]

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WebUI Studio 2012 for ASP.NET Goes HTML5

Earlier this year, we conducted a short product survey to all our customers and industry partners. Nearly 92% of all respondents indicates that they are interested in HTML5 development, followed with Silverlight 5 at approximately 85% – up 15% since the previous survey last year. [...]

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March 2012 Hotfix Released

Today, we’re pleased to announce the release of March 2012 product hotfixes for all WebUI Studio editions (ASP.NET, Silverlight 3 – 5, and WPF). Customers are highly recommended to apply the latest hotfixes as they addressed numerous issues and include new enhancements driven by customers’ [...]

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WebUI Studio 2011 R2 Released

In the past few months, you’ve seen the preview of some exciting new products through a series of blog posts. The wait is over – the much-anticipated R2 is now released, so grab your copy today and experience it first hand. While waiting for the [...]

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WebUI Studio 2011 Goes Gold!

The past few weeks were probably the busiest days in this first quarter as we are preparing for the huge 2011 volume release. Even sparing a few minutes to write blogs seems to be uneasy to the team due to super tight schedules. Nevertheless, our [...]

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Introducing New Visual Studio 2010 Templates...

Earlier this month, we have successfully launched WebUI Studio 2010 RC which includes hundreds of new components for Silverlight 3, Silverlight 4, and WPF 4. Although the main highlight in this upcoming release is ClientUI, we have added the ASP.NET lineups with 8 new WebEssentials [...]

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