Crosslight 3.3 Adds New GridFragment and Advanced Location Service for Android

We’re excited to release Crosslight 3.3 today which includes dozens of  enhancements and stability improvements across various Crosslight components, thanks for your continuous support and feedback!

Introducing the new GridFragment for Android, you can now easily display a collection of items in a nicely arranged Grid layout. With full MVVM and data binding support built to the new Grid Fragment, you can swap the existing List layout with the new Grid layout by just changing the view’s fragment class – absolutely no changes on your existing UI logic or data access layer.

In addition to dozens of enhancements, this release also shipped an advanced location service for Android which offers highest level of location accuracy based on latest Google Services library. For more information, check out the complete release notes and update instructions here.

We’re looking forward to deliver even more exciting features in the next iteration of our Crosslight release. Stay tuned!

P.S.: In case you haven’t aware, we’ve published Crosslight roadmap for 2015. Check it out here.


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