Intersoft Presenter Live Demo Update

Hi all,

We have recently updated the live demo of Intersoft Presenter with the latest beta bits. Check it out now at

In the previous CTPs, we have introduced three presenter views – ListPresenter, IconPresenter, GridPresenter, as well as extensible custom presenters such as ChartPresenter and more. In this release, let’s welcome back CoverFlow – the most innovative multimedia player for Silverlight. Now with even more advanced, data-aware features.

The upcoming beta release includes final-near quality and complete feature sets, and will include the new CoverFlowPresenter. Intersoft Presenter’s extensible architecture enables you to consume CoverFlowPresenter in the same way and manner as in the other presenters. Simply drop in a new instance and set the data member and binding fields. It’s that easy! Here’s a sample result that you’ll get.


We have implemented dozens of interesting new features in this release, such as comprehensive data editing that works flawlessly with WcfDataSource and AstoriaDataSource, and tons of customizable editing behaviors including input validation, lost focus action, update mode and ultimately, great UX!

More details are coming soon. For now, just sit back and enjoy the updated live demo.

All the best,

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