“WebAqua” revealed and dozens of bonus features.

Yesterday we have officially announce the name of our next-generation WebUI targeting Silverlight platform. Please visit http://www.intersoftpt.com/Corporate/Default.aspx?page=PressRelease&PressID=decfae36-56f8-46c7-ac04-7ce5de73e4be for the official press release. I suggest you read the press release as it announces another new component under the “WebAqua” brand.

This new component — as you might have guessed from our previous newsletter — is a sophisticated iPhone-style Cover Flow components. The WebCoverFlow includes out-of-the-box user experiences and animation that completely mimic the feel of Cover Flow. I’ll blog more about WebCoverFlow as we updated our “Sirius” demo site later. See the following for a WebCoverFlow screenshot.


More Bonus Features

We love bonus, and so does everyone :) We’ll have several additional features that we can say as “great bonus” for the 2008 R1 which we don’t plan in the first place. Some of bonus features that you can expect in 2008 R1:

* Aqua Theme for WebDesktopManager. Yeap, you can now create a Mac’s Leopard style Web application.

* New features to support Aqua Theme. Mac’s OS has a very intuitive UI which is slightly different to Windows. For example, the window commands such as Close, Minimize etc are located in the Left side of the Window. The caption is center-aligned instead of left-aligned.

* Semi Transparent Taskbar. You can now use a transparent PNG image as the taskbar background image, and it will automatically overlay against the desktop background image.

* Overlay Screen Image. A new background image that spans from taskbar region to desktop content region.

There are more bonus features included to the other components of WebDesktop. I’ll blog more as the features are implemented.
