Yearly Archives: 2006

A new staff member

As a new staff member of Intersoft Solutions, I am still learning about web components, especially the products of Intersoft Solutions. For me, WebGrid.Net 4.0  has a comprehensive and solid functionality which offers tons of features that allow users to work with the information in [...]

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Support Team

The testosterone on The Blueprint continued on songs like U Don’t Know, but splendor of record is each morning introspective songs like Song Cry and Blueprint (Momma Loves Me).Kim Kardashian who is 12 weeks pregnant with adidas yeezy boost 350 baby,made headlines after he annouced [...]

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Web Development

We received many feedbacks about the difficult navigation in current version of Forum, so we decided to revamp the navigation pane of Forum. The left navigation pane was using WebNavPane control previously, as we thought it has nicer appearance. However, many customers feel that it is not efficient to use WebNavPane [...]

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WebUI.NET Framework 2007 – Part I

In this first sequel of my post around our upcoming WebUI.NET Framework 2007, I would like to share some major improvements in Framework 2007 especially in performance and memory usage area. Before I started with the improvement in the new version, let’s take a look [...]

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2007 Product Documentation

I’m a member of Intersoft Solutions including the one who created the tutorial video So hope you guys liked the video.. I think the video was quite useful for beginner users as what Jimmy has explained to you Recently, we decided to create a better [...]

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ISDataSource.NET Preview [Part 1]

Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 introduced new concept on how to build data source and utilize it in an ASP.NET application which quite different from what we usually used in Microsoft Visual Studio 2003. This new concept is to some extend quite remarkable, considering it can [...]

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2007 Product Roadmap

We have announced this in previous month’s newsletter. However, in case that you did not notice it, here you can learn where to find our updated product roadmap. We have recently published 2007’s product roadmap to our Developer Network site. Unfortunately only registered customers can [...]

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New tutorial videos are now available

In our previous month’s newsletter, we have announced the availability of new tutorial videos that demonstrate the design-time usage of WebDesktop components. However, I noticed that many of our customers still did not aware on these new videos and thus I decided to post it [...]

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Never too late to blog…

Finally, we decided to blog. Although it seems like we have been a bit late in this decision, we believe that late is still better than never. We have tons of new stuff that will come by 2007. With this blog, I hope that our [...]

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Welcome to Intersoft Solutions Corporate Blog. We will share our thoughts and future plans on products in this blog.

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