Never too late to blog…

Finally, we decided to blog. Although it seems like we have been a bit late in this decision, we believe that late is still better than never.

We have tons of new stuff that will come by 2007. With this blog, I hope that our team can share some of these new stuff, how they are going to work, as well as its benefits for developers.

Obviously the development team and all divisions are extremely busy in this season. However, I have advised everyone at Intersoft to spend only 30 minutes to write a blog post and do it at least once or twice regularly in a week.

What’s next? Intersoft’s 2007 product platform initiative. We will have like five major product releases at the same time by early 2007. Yeap, with all-new component designers that will definitely ease your life. In addition to these new product releases, our 2007 initiative also includes new packaging model, new concepts in the licensing, comprehensive MSDN-style documentation and much more.

I will post the details of each 2007 initiative in separate blogs by end of this week.

 All the best,


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