Tag Archives: WebUI Studio

WebUI Studio 2012 is here!

The wait is over. We’re incredibly excited to announce the immediate availability of WebUI Studio 2012 today! The new release ships major upgrades for the flagship ASP.NET data controls such as WebGrid and WebCombo – featuring full HTML5 support, and includes dozens of must-have data [...]

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WebUI Studio 2012 for ASP.NET Goes HTML5

Earlier this year, we conducted a short product survey to all our customers and industry partners. Nearly 92% of all respondents indicates that they are interested in HTML5 development, followed with Silverlight 5 at approximately 85% – up 15% since the previous survey last year. [...]

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Introducing Intersoft’s New Start Page

Several weeks ago we got feedback from our customers about how difficult it is to look for product information in our ever-growing website. Starting from there, we came up with a new portal page that packs in all kinds of essential information and latest product [...]

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March 2012 Hotfix Released

Today, we’re pleased to announce the release of March 2012 product hotfixes for all WebUI Studio editions (ASP.NET, Silverlight 3 – 5, and WPF). Customers are highly recommended to apply the latest hotfixes as they addressed numerous issues and include new enhancements driven by customers’ [...]

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Announcing WebUI Studio 2012 Roadmap

We’ve recently updated the product roadmap for WebUI Studio 2012 which includes the release plans for all platforms, including ASP.NET, Silverlight, WPF, and beyond. Flashing back at a glance, 2011 was such an amazing year as we delivered over 160 new and advanced controls to [...]

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Product Survey 2012

I’d like to invite you to take part in a short survey about our products and services. This survey is intended to improve the product development and services at Intersoft Solutions as well as to create stronger and better connections with our customers by taking [...]

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