2007 Product Documentation
I’m a member of Intersoft Solutions including the one who created the tutorial video So hope you guys liked the video.. I think the video was quite useful for beginner users as what Jimmy has explained to you
Recently, we decided to create a better documentation for each product’s component since we have received so many feedbacks regarding the documentation’s content and structure. So after deep consideration, we planned to re-organize and re-structure our current docs to be much better and much more convenient and informative for user to be used.
The new documentation is one of our 2007’s initiative in product rebrand effort. You can expect the following in 2007’s documentation:
- New style and look&feel based on MSDN.
- Comprehensive getting started, tutorial and how-to. These topics are now included as sub-node of each feature explanation.
- More code samples. Our new rule is at least one usable sample in one feature or member explanation.
- Comprehensive server side documentation. Well, no more empty description for all classes, methods, properties, events and delegates! Guaranteed!
- Full remarks and cross-reference information between server-side reference and topic-based reference. You can also expect more remarks and code samples in small areas that third party vendor usually skip out — such as enumeration, interfaces, class summary and remarks and much more.
Here are some screenshots of 2007’s Documentation:
*Getting Started in the 2007’s Documentation
* Walkthrough topic in the 2007’s Documentation
Well, we planned to finish these docs by the end of this year.. hopefully! And I believe these new “look and feel” docs will be included in the 2007 R1 package. Therefore, you guys just wait till it’s finished and ready to be exposed
Have a nice day, everybody!
P.S: If you have any comments, please feel free to comment to this post. Thank you.